Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

white matter of thalamus (pair)

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Current level white matter of thalamus (pair)
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Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
83932 39399 5870
white matter of thalamus (pair)
substantia alba thalami (par)
31846 9024
central roots of thalamus (pair)
radices centrales thalami (par)
62046 5782 5782
optic tract
tractus opticus
27716 8292
intrinsic tracts of thalamus (pair)
tractus proprii thalami (par)
62469 5871 5871
external medullary lamina
lamina medullaris lateralis
62470 5872 5872
internal medullary lamina
lamina medullaris medialis
5880 5880
intrathalamic fibres
fibrae intrathalamicae
5885 5885
periventricular fibres of thalamus
fibrae periventriculares thalami
26329 8307
long tracts of thalamus (pair)
tractus longi thalami (par)
27725 8311
ascending spinal tracts (pair)
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
77766 12531 12531
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
27728 8318
spinothalamic fibres
fibrae spinothalamicae
7958 7958
cervicothalamic tract
tractus cervicothalamicus
27850 8633
ascending brain stem tracts (pair)
tractus ascendentes trunci encephali (par)
83675 5298 5298
medial lemniscus
lemniscus medialis
83852 34075 8426
trigeminothalamic tracts
tractus trigeminothalamici
12170 12170
lateral trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis
5462 5462
anterior trigeminothalamic tract ; ventral trigeminothalamic tract ; trigeminal lemniscus
tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus ventralis ; lemniscus trigeminalis
72500 5463 5463
posterior trigeminothalamic tract ; dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus posterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus dorsalis
8430 8430
vestibulothalamic tract
tractus vestibulothalamicus
71114 5583 5583
brachium of inferior colliculus
brachium colliculi inferioris
72417 5584 5584
brachium of superior colliculus
brachium colliculi superioris
72495 5760 5760
superior cerebellar peduncle
pedunculus cerebellaris superior
27854 8634
efferent telencephalic tracts (pair)
tractus efferentes telencephali (par)
27729 8525
corticothalamic fibres
fibrae corticothalamicae
62070 5874 5874
ansa lenticularis
ansa lenticularis
61976 5875 5875
lenticular fasciculus
fasciculus lenticularis
62065 5890 5890
thalamic fasciculus
fasciculus thalamicus
8654 8654
mammillothalamic fasciculus ; mamillothalamic tract ▲
fasciculus mammillothalamicus
27868 8635
efferent tracts of thalamus (pair) ; thalamic radiations (pair)
tractus efferentes thalami (par) ; radiationes thalamicae (par)
76976 5877 5877
anterior thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica anterior ; radiatio anterior thalami
27730 8498
thalamofrontal fibres
fibrae thalamofrontales
76978 5878 5878
central thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica centralis ; radiatio centralis thalami
27902 7574
thalamoparietal fibres
fibrae thalamoparietales
76980 5879 5879
inferior thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica inferior ; radiatio inferior thalami
33980 5876
thalamotemporal fibres
fibrae thalamotemporales
62071 7618 7618
ansa peduncularis
ansa peduncularis
8500 8500
acoustic radiation
radiatio acustica
76982 5886 5886
posterior thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica posterior ; radiatio posterior thalami
61941 5884 5884
optic radiation
radiatio optica
7923 7923
anterior bundle
fasciculus anterior
7924 7924
central bundle
fasciculus centralis
7925 7925
dorsal bundle
fasciculus dorsalis
43 lines
88.8 %
98.6 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
(Tractus trigeminothalamici): The Tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior arises in the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Medial lemniscus, whereas the Tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis arises in the Caudal part of the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Anterolateral tract.
(Tractus vestibulothalamicus): In monkeys, Vestibulothalamic projections pass via both the FLM and the Ascending tract of Deiters (Lang W, Büttner-Ennever JA, Büttner U 1979 Vestibular projections to the monkey thalamus: An autoradiographic study. Brain Res 177:3-17). Zwergal et al. (2008) demonstrated a Vestibulothalamic tract adjacent to the Medial lemniscus in humans (Zwergal A, Büttner-Ennever JA, Brandt T, Strupp M 2008 An ipsilateral vestibulothalamic tract adjacent to the medial lemniscus in humans. Brain 131:2928-2935).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 5870
Number of children 58 (validated)
Number of units 43 (validated)
Signature 5426 (validated since 16.4.2018)
Date: 31.12.2021